Hayden's Tavern in 1941, courtesy of Mary and Norm Smith
Billy Hayden, courtesy of Mary and Norm Smith
Tommy Hayden, courtesy of Mary and Norm Smith
WLIA field day at Hayden's, courtesy of Willard Osterhout
Field day at the tavern
Band playing at Hayden's. L-R Shorty Roberts Fiddle, Pete Williams Guitar, Leo Beanue and Frank Fox on Steel Guitar, photo courtesy of Pat Rapp
Band at Hayden's Tavern L-R Pete Williams, Shorty Roberts and Frank Fox
Patricia Overbaugh and Richard Rapp's wedding party at Hayden's Tavern on June 2,1957. L-R Dorothy Beck, Shirley Boehlke, Roberta Northrup, Patricia Ovderbaugh, Richard Rapp, Robert Rapp, Roger Smith and Richard Milner
Patricia Rapp tosses the bouquet
Out side, L-R Shirley Boehlke, Mrs. Overbaugh, Richard Rapp, Patricia Rapp, Roberta Northrup and Dorothy Beck