Hassell, John

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


John was born in Greenville, Greene Co., NY at about 1837, a son of Stephen Hassell and Sarah Swartwout.


He was a carriage maker after his marriage.

Marriage & Children

He married at Westerlo, Mary J. Lamb, a daughter of Joseph and Eveline Lamb who was born at about 1845 on February 19, 1865 and had one child, William Hassell.

Military Service

Residence: Westerlo[1]
Place of Birth: Albany County[1]
Marital Status: Married[1]
Occupation: Blacksmith[1]
Term of Enlistment: 10 months[1]
Bounty Received: $100.00[1]
Enlistment Date: 2 Oct 1862[1]or 11 October 1862 [2]
Enlistment Place: Westerlo, New York[2] or Albany, NY[1]
Enlistment Rank: Corporal [1]
State Served: New York
Regiment: 177th Infantry[1]
Company: Company H
Promotion Date: 19 Mar 1863[2]
Promotion Rank: Full Sergeant [2]
Muster Out Date: 10 Sep 1863[2]
Muster Out Place: Albany, NY[2]
Additional Remarks: Enlisted at the age of 24.[2]" Promoted to Corp____ to Sergt.____. Was in the Battle of Ponchtula(Ponchatoula) and Port Hudson LA. Discharged Sept 10, 1863. P.O. Address South Westerlo Albany Co N.Y."[1]

Born in New Baltimore, NY in 1840, Age 24 years, Blacksmith, Black eyes, Dark hair, Fair complexion, 5' 7-1/2" tall.[3]

Sources Used: Ancestry.com, American Civil War Soldiers; Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War


Mary Jane died at about 1900 and John died at the Soldier's and Sailor's Home at Bath, NY on December 10, 1918.[4]


Additional Research Notes

Additional Media

Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Town and City Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Ancestry Military Databases
  3. NY Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, Ancestry.com Military databases
  4. Civil War Pension Records @ Fold3.com