Gage, Nelson William, Jr.
Nelson William Gage, Jr. was born February 26, 1920, the son of Nelson William Gage, Sr and Rose H. Elliott. His sibling was:
- Dr. Shirley Gage Cronin of Delanson
Military Service
Nelson Gage was a veteran of World War II, serving in the army.
17 Elsmere Draft Board Selectees Face Examination - To Appear At The Albany Examining Center Oct 15; One Transfer
Seventeen Elsmere Draft Board Selectees who are slated for pre-induction medical examination on October 15 are:...
Nelson W. Gage, Delanson, R. D. 3
- Altamont Enterprise - October 3, 1941
Marriage & Children
Nelson W. Gage married Katherine Morrisey. Their children were:
- Morrisey Rose Gage Hess
- Gabrielle Gage, all of Delanson R. D. 1. He is also survived by a sister, Dr. Shirly Gage Cronin, of Delanson R. D. 1.
Nelson William Gage, Jr. died October 12, 1975 and was buried in Lee's Church Cemetery Town of Knox, Albany, NY.

Nelson W. Gage, Jr.
Nelson W. Gage, Jr., 55, of Delanson R. D. 1, West Wind Farm, died suddenly Sunday morning. (October 12, 1975) He was born in Albany county, and was a veteran of World War II, serving in the army.
He is survived by two sons, Nelson W. Gage III, and Adam Warren Gage, and two daughters, Morrisey Rose Gage Hess and Gabrielle Gage, all of Delanson R. D. 1. He is also survived by a sister, Dr. Shirly Gage Cronin, of Delanson R. D. 1.
A graveside service will be held Saturday, Oct. 18, at 3 p.m. aat the Lee church cemetery, town of Knox. Arrangements are by the WHite Funeral Home, Delanson.
- Altamont Enterprise - Friday, October 17, 1975.
Additional Media
A surprise for Mrs. Nelson W. Gage was given her on her birthday, Sept. 12th, at West Wind,Farm. A large bonfire, which enlightened the countryside for miles attracted motorists in great numbers. A corn roast was enjoyed. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and daughter; Harold John, J. Van Patchen, F. D. Marsh and Miss Margaret Gage, all of New York, and Drs. Beresford and Pavid Beresford of Delanson. [This would be Rose H. Elliott, the mother of Nelson William Gage, Jr.]
- Altamont Enterprise - September 18, 1931
Market Wether lambs, yearling and two-year-olds. Hampshire Cross breeding ewes and several Hampshire and Dorset breeding rams. Also registered and non-registered Angus breeding bulls, 4 months old, and breeding heifers and cows. Entire group excellent for starting commercial flock or herd. Gage West Wind Farm, c/o Kenneth Barber, Delanson.
- Altamont Enterprise - August 08, 1941
Timothy feeding hay, small bales. 40c per bale. 14 year old Percheron horse. Also 30 gal. pressure water tank with pump. Gage West Wind Farm, Delanson R. D. 3. Kenneth Barber Phone Delanson 331
- Altamont Enterprise - August 15, 1947
Thrunball electric brooder, 500 chicks. Pair of 6 year old Belgian Percheron horses, weight about 3200. Gentle and sound, broke double only. 1 stock tank for dippling purposes, size 7 1/2 x 4x 1 3/4. Two harpoon hay forks, also two double unit McCormick Deering milking machines, used 16 months, just been factory cleaned and reconditioned. Also on Model A Ford axle, frame and rear wheels, and a Model A Ford Doodle bug. Kenneth Barber, Gage West Wind Farm, Delanson R. D. 3, Phone Delanson 331.
- Altamont Enterprise - May 14, 1948
One horse, price $25. Hay wagon on rubber with 8 x16 rigging, price $75.00. Also 15 tons of good timothy hale baled, price $20.00 per ton, 50c per bale. Gage West Wind Farm, Kennth M. Barber, Delanson R> D. 3. Phone Delanson 331.
- Altamont Enterprise - August 06, 1948
1 set of heavy duty double harness. Also baled hay and straw, priced per ton or per bale. 2 Guernsey cows, each milking at least 18 quarts per day. Gage West Wind 'Farm, Delanson R. D. 3, Phone 2543, 24-2c
- Altamont Enterprise -December 31, 1948