Filkins, Richard B.

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

Military Service

Richard was a Second Class Petty Officer aboard the USS Boston for 14 months in Vietnam. He also served aboard the USS Hickman County in Vietnam for 13 months up and down the coast from Cameron Bay to the DMZ providing support and supplies to the troops. He served a total of 4 years and recieved an honorable discharge February 1970.

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Rensselaerville Third Class Petty Officer Richard B. Filkins, USN, has been transferred to the USS Boston after 13 months in Vietnam. He was home on leave for 44 days over the Christmas holidays. The USS Boston will cruise in the Carribean for four weeks in March, then return to Vietnam, until January, 1970. All wish Rich luck and pray he will be safe once again.

Published in Altamont (NY) Enterprise - Albany Co. Post, Section 2, Page 4, 24 Jan 1969 Issue.

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