Eldridge Farm Burying Ground

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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On the Jacob Eldridge place, west of the house, on the north side of the road in the woods.

Transcription of stones

  • Ada Eldridge, daughter of Jacob, died 1886 aged 6 years
  • Alva Eldridge, son of Jacob, died 1886 aged 9 years
  • Johanna Schermerhorn, wife of Jacob Eldridge, died 1895 aged 52 years
  • Lydia Ann VanAernam, wife of Jacob Eldridge, born September 16, 1834, died December 16, 1898 aged 64 years, 3 months and 14 days

From the records of early burial places on the farms in the town of Guilderland, N.Y. and surrounding towns compiled by WILLIAM A. BRINKMAN, HISTORIAN, Town of Guilderland, Altamont NY RD1, 1940.

Transcriptions of Grave Stones in the Eldridge Farm Cemetery by Judge William A. Brinkman

Transcriptions from 1994 - Source Unknown

7. On the old Jacob Eldridge place, on the north side of Bozenkill Road east of Pulliam's. (We assume the two children were those who lost their lives when they went over the falls on their sleigh.)

Ada, daughter of Jacob & Johana Eldridge, died April 16, 1686, aged 6 years

Alva, son of Jacob & Johana Eldridge, died April 16, 1886, aged 9 years

Johana Schamarhorn, wife of Jacob Eldridge, died Sept. 4, 1895, aged 52 years, 4 months and 27 days

Liddie Ann Vanurnam, wife of Jacob Eldridge, died June 16, 1898, aged 64 years, 3 months and 14 days

1994 - Eldridge Farm Burying Ground