Dietz, Johannes Bellinger

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
John B. Deitz gravestone on lot 539


Johannes Bellinger Dietz was born on 18 Aug 1772 at Switzkill Valley, Lot # 519 of West Manor, now Town of Berne, Albany County, NY. His parents were Capt.Dietz, Adam H. Jr., and Anna Bellinger. They lived on a farm on Switzkill Rd., two miles from what became the Village of Berne. Johannes's grandfather, Johan Hendrick Dietz, homesteaded that farm in the early 1740s. It has been the Drezloe farm for last eighty some years.


Not known, except he left a will, he was confirmed on 16 Oct 1790 at the Reformed Church at Beaverdam (Berne), Albany County, NY, and several hand written notes written and signed by him are held by the Deitz family.


He was a farmer on lot #539 of the Stephen Van Renselaer lll Rent Lease Map of 1787. Lot #539, just north of lot #519, was leased in Dec. 1790 by an uncle of Johannes,Adam W Dietz, son of Dietz Esq., William The lots' boundries were connected. Deeds show that the southern 95 acres of lot #539 were conveyed to Johannes by his Uncle Adam W Deitz in 1812. He probably built his Dutch style barn on his farm along the banks of the Switzkill c. 1812-13. He sold his 95 acre farm in 1850 to son-in lawRobert Ball for five thousand and six hundred dollars. He continued to live on the farm. He once was' ...temporarily suspended (from the church) for partaking of the sacraments with the Methodists.' He appeared on the census of 1855 widowed, and in the household of his son Jacob J. Dietz and Christina Shafer at the Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

Marriage & Children

Johannes Bellinger Dietz married Anna Barbara Warner, dau of Johannes Warner and Anna Dorothea Hilts, on 16 Feb 1798 at Town of Berne, Albany County, NY. They had ten children:

  • Dorothy (Dolly) Deitz was born in 1796 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. She married John Dearstyne, son of Lawrence Dearstyne and Catharine (Tina) Van Alstyne, circa 1816 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. She died after 1850. She appeared on the census of 1850 at Town of berne, Albany, NY, 54 in 1850. She and John Dearstyne appeared on the census of 1850 at Town of berne , Albany, NY.
  • Adam J. Deitz was born on 17 Oct 1798 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY, He married Eliza Walden, daughter of Miner Walden and Esther Denison, say 1821. He died on 30 Nov 1885 at Switzkill Valley, Town of Berne, Albany, NY, at age 87. He was buried after after 30 Nov 1885 at Beaverdam Cemetery, Town of Berne,Albany, NY.

He was Adam J. Deitz & wife, Eliza Walden, joined BDRC 1/1/1832. He lived after 1854 at Switzkill Valley, Berne, Albany, NY. He and Eliza Walden appeared on the census of 1865,1870 and 1880 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

  • John (Johannes) Deitz Jr was born on 1 May 1800 at Berne, Albany, NY. He died on 19 Dec 1871 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY, at age 71. He was buried at Bogardus Farm Burying Ground, Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

He appeared on the census of 1855 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He appeared on the census of 1 Jun 1865 single and in the household of his nephew Peter H. D ietz and Henrietta Wilson at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He appeared on the census of 1870 in the the household of his brother Adam J. Deitz and Eliza Walden at Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

  • Jacob J. Dietz was born between 1801 and 1806 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He married Maria Eve (-?-) before 1829. He married Christina Shafer, daughter of Frederick Schaeffer and Eva Zeh, before 1833 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

He and Christina Shafer appeared on the census of 1850 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY, farmer. He and Christina Shafer appeared on the census of 1855 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He appeared on the census of 1860 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He and Christina appeared on the census of 1 Jun 1865, 1870 and 1880 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY.

  • Eve Deitz was born in 1804 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. She married Peter J Snyder, son of Johnannes L. Schneider and Marie Dearstyne, on 14 Sep 1836. She died on 13 Dec 1885 at Town of Knox, Albany, NY. She was buried at Gallupville Rural Cemetery, Town of Wright, Schoharie County, NY.

She appeared on the census of 1850 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY, 46 in 1850. She appeared on the census of 1860 at Town of Knox, Albany, NY, single, in the home of her parents.

  • Elias Deitz was born on 25 Mar 1805 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He was baptized on 7 Apr 1805 at Lutheran Church, Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He married Experience Dietz , daughter of Heinrich Dietz and Catherine Ann Dupont, after 1830. He died on 2 Oct 1884 at Canastota, Madison County, NY, at age 79. He was also known as Elias Dietz. He was a master stone-cutter and mason who worked for many years at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. In 1848 he broke his leg and it was amputated. But he could work on a wooden leg.The Leading Citizens of Madison County. He and Experience Dietz appeared on the census of 1850 at Brooklyn, Kings, NY, he was a mason. He and Experience Dietz appeared on the census of 1870 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY, in the home of his brother Adam; he was a stonecutter. He and Experience Dietz appeared on the census of 1880 at Lennox, Madison County, NY. (Canastota).
  • Tobias Dietz was born on 21 Dec 1806 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He married Mariette (Mary) M. Hitchcock in 1837 at Adams, Jefferson County, NY. In 1843, they moved to the town of Sullivan, Madison County, where he bought eighty acres. They had two adult children; Charlotte and Allen T. who was a Civil War vet, a farmer of 107 acres inherited from his father, and a rural mail carrier out of Canastota. Tobias died on 20 Apr 1894 at Canastota, Madison, NY, at age 87. He grew up on his father's farm. He recieved a limited education, learning to read, write, and cipher. At age of twenty left home, went to Cayuga County and then to Madison County where he had an impressive and very prosperous life. He lived in 1833 at Indian Opening Road, Canasota, Madison, NY. He and Mariette (Mary) M. Dietz appeared on the census of 1850 at Sullivan, Madison, NY, he was a farmer. He and Mariette (Mary) appeared on the census of 1860 and 1870 at Sullivan, Madison, NY. He was a farmer and dairyman, 270 acres in 1880 at Canasota, Madison, NY. A two page bio of Tobias Deitz can be found in The Leading Citizens of Madison County.
  • Maria Deitz was born on 23 Oct 1810 at Berne, Albany, NY. She married Lucius Hosmer on 22 Apr 1830 at the Reformed Church of Berne, Albany, NY. She married Alcenus Fancher, son of Peter Fancher and Hannah Waterbury, on 1 Jan 1834 at Berne, Albany, NY. She died on 28 Jan 1893 at Middleburgh, Schoharie County, NY, at age 82. She was also known as (Anna). She was Maria Deitz , wid./o Lucius Hosmer & wife of Alcenus Fancher, joined Beaverdam Reformed Church. She and Alcenus Fancher appeared on the census of 1850 and 1860 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. She appeared on the census of 1865 at Town of Berne, Albany, NY. She appeared on the census of 1880 widowed in the household of her son Elias Deitz Fancher at Coxsackie, Green County, NY.
  • Zachariah Dietz was born circa 1812 at the Town of Berne, Albany, NY. He married Rachel Snyder, daughter of Johnannas L. Schneider and Maria Dearstyne, on 9 Jan 1832 at the Reformed Church, Berne, Albany, NY. He died on 5 Jul 1890 at Canastota, Madison, NY. He was a farmer from Berne, NY. He appeared on the census of 1840 at Greig, Lewis County, NY. He and Rachel Dietz appeared on the census of 1870 at Lenox, Madison, NY, he was a farmer.
  • Anna Barbara Deitz was born on 17 Oct 1815 at Town of Berne, Albany County, NY.

She marriedRobert Ball, son of John Peter Ball and Elizabeth Bogardus, on 5 Sep 1833 at the Reformed Church, Berne, NY. She died on 16 Oct 1897 at Berne, Albany, NY, at age 81. She was buried on 18 Oct 1897 at Beaverdam Cemetery, Berne, NY. She appeared on the cenus of 1880 at the Town of Berne, Albany, NY.


Johannes Bellinger Deitz died on 1 Sep 1856 at Switzkill Valley, Albany, NY, at age 84. He was buried in 1856 at the Bogardus Farm Burying Ground on Lot 539 (on which his farm was located), Berne, Albany, NY.

John's Will

Additional Media
