Dibble, Virtue E.

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


Virtue E. Dibble was born on July 23, 1902, the daughter of Merton L. Dibble and Lillian. Her brothers and sisters were:

  • Raymond T. Dibble
  • Russell S. Dibble
  • Lillian G. Dibble

Marriage & Children

Virtue E. Dibble married Ralph C. Beebe Their children were:

  • Walter Beebe
  • Gladys Beebe
  • Howard Beebe


Virtue E. Dibble died December 4, 1992.


Additional Media

Knox Loses the Dibble Family
M. L. Dibble with his family has moved from Knox to Brooklyn. where they are to live temporarily. Mr Dibble's oldest son is now a Missionary to Africa. Russell Dibble and Miss Virtue Dibble have already begun their studies in the Brooklyn Training School, pre-paratory to joining their brother in carrying the message of Christ to the Dark continent. It is the ultimate intention of Mr. and Mrs. Dibble and their youngest daughter, Lillian to follow in the same work. The Dibble family were comparatively new members of our community, yet they leave nothing but friends behind. Their influence for uplift was striking in our small community. There is but one way to account for this. The family possessed to an unusual degree the real essence of Christianity. We bespeak for them a success as Missionaries to a people who know not Christ and His perfection.

Altamont Enterprise April 23, 1922