Crary, Denison

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
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Denison Crary (1812-1886) -Bi-centennial history of Albany: History of the county of Albany, N.Y., from 1609 to 1886, Volume 2, George Rogers Howell, Jonathan Tenney, Page 885


Denison Crary was born June 30, 1812, [1] the son of Amos Crary (1788-1869)[2]and Mary Denison[1] (1789-1840) [2] . His brothers and sisters were:

  • Susan Crary[1] (1824-1881) [2]
  • Thomas Crary[1] (1817-1818) [2]
  • Horace Crary[1] (1819-1892) [2]
  • Dorothy Esther Crary[1] (1831- ) [2]


He attended the Knox Academy


He was a successful farmer

Marriage & Children

Denison Crary married Henrietta M. Williams (1825-1914) on June 16, 1856. [1]She was a daughter of Henry and Sallie Tarbell Williams.


Denison Crary died June 22, 1886 in Chicago, IL[3] and is buried in the Knox Cemetery. [2]


Denison Crary Obituary - Knowersville Enterprise - Saturday, July 3, 1886

Vicinity News - Knox
The funeral of Denison Crary, a former resident of Knox, who died at Chicago of cancer in the stomach, June 22d was largely attended from the Reformed church last Sunday, the Rev. Andrew Parsons officiating. Knowersville Enterprise - Saturday, July 3, 1886

Additional Media

Bi-centennial history of Albany: History of the county of Albany, N.Y., from 1609 to 1886, Volume 2, George Rogers Howell, Jonathan Tenney DENISON CRARY. Among the earliest settlers in Knox were the Crarys and Denisons, who came from Connecticut in 1798. Thomas Crary was born in Connecticut, October 12, 1744. He married Mehetabel Mason, January 9, 1772. They had nine children— Thomas, born in 1775; Mary, born in 1777; Mason, born in 1779; Eunice, born in 1782; Cynthia, born in 1786; Amos, born in 1788; Andrew, born in 1790; Ephraim, born in 1793; and Jabez, born in 1796.
Amos Crary married Mary Denison in 1811, and had six children, named as follows in the order of their birth: Denison, Susan, Thomas, Horace, Sarah Ann and Esther. Susan removed to Iowa and died there. Thomas died in infancy. Horace removed, when a young man, to Schoharie County, and thence, in 1883, to Chicago. Sarah Ann also lives in Chicago. Esther lives in Iowa. The only one representing the family in the town at the present time is Denison Crary, eldest child of Amos, who was born June 30, 1812.
Captain Henry Denison served the cause of the colonies in the Revolutionary war, and after coming to Knox was one of the most prominent early residents. He was one of the founders of the Old Knox Presbyterian Church, of which he was also a deacon for many years. He had seven children, named Henry, Daniel, Gideon, Mary, Sally, Lois and Esther. Henry removed to Pennsylvania and died there.
Daniel became a physician, and lived and died in OnondagaCounty, which he represented twice in the Assembly. Gideon died in Knox, at the age of thirty-three. Mary married Amos Crary, and died in 1840, aged fifty-one. Sally died unmarried. Lois and Esther married, and died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Denison Crary was reared on his father's farm, attending the public schools, and for a time the old Knox Academy. He has been a farmer all his life, except about three years, during which he was engaged upon the construction of the New York Central Railroad, between Schenectady and Utica and between Syracuse and Auburn, and of the Erie Railway, upon which he fulfilled two contracts, one for a mile of grade eastward out of Dunkirk, and another for a section in Orange County. In these contracts Anson H. Taylor, his uncle, was his partner. His home farm was purchased by his father about 1842, and Mr. Crary has owned and lived on it since 1862. Since that date he has purchased a small farm, partially timber land, located about a mile from his residence. June 16, 1856, Mr. Crary married Miss Henrietta M. Williams, of Knox, a granddaughter of Ebenezer Williams, who was another of the early settlers who came into Knox from Connecticut about the close of the last century. He has been a Republican since the organization of the Republican party, and has voted for every Republican candidate for the Presidency from Fremont to Blaine. Previous to the organization of the Republican party he was a Whig. But it is not to be supposed that, while he is an ardent partisan, he is by any means an active politician. He has been too busy all his life to mingle much with public affairs. His attention to his own personal interests has been close and unremitting, and he is recognized as one of the most successful farmers in his section of the county. Mrs. Crary is a member and Mr. Crary is a regular attendant and liberal supporter of the Dutch Reformed Church of Knox. He also contributes generously to all worthy public objects, and is regarded as the friend and abettor of all needed improvements in the town. He has served his fellow townsmen as Highway Commissioner and Town Clerk, but has usually refused to be a candidate for any office whatever.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Howell, George Rogers, and Jonathan Tenney. Bi-centennial History of Albany History of the County of Albany, N.Y., from 1609 to 1886. page 885. New York: W.W. Munsell &, 1886. Print.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 FamilySearch™ Pedigree Resource File - Family History and Genealogy Records. Web. 30 Sept. 2010.
  3. Knowersville Enterprise - Saturday, July 3, 1886