Cassidy Family - B. E. Rochefort Obituary

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

Rochefort – At Havre, on Saturday, June 13, B. E. Rochefort, of New York, in the 55th year of age

Mr. Rochefort was native of Bordeaux, France, but had resided for nearly 40 years in New York, beloved by all who knew him, and respected by all who had business relations with him. He took passage in the Arego, to visit his native land, in the hope of rescuing his health, but was seized with a fatal illness while on board, and arrived in Havre only in time to receive the last ministrations of religion before he died. His remains were deposited in the vaults of the Catholic Church at Havre, preparatory to being transmitted to New York. Mr. Rochefort was the father in law of William Cassidy of this City.

New York Daily Times July 9, 1857