Cassidy Family - 1944 Legal Action

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY


By the Grace of God Free and Independent

TO: 1) EDWARD R. CASSIDY, address Port Blanc en Baden, Morbihan, occupied France; (2.) ROBERT IRVIN CASSI1DY, address Corp. Robert I. Cassidy, 32226437;, Company A, 84th Engineers, A. P. O. 4644, care of Postmaster, New York, N. Y. (3), EDOUARD L. DUNNE address 70 Pine Street, New York, N. Y. ( 4 ) LEO F. CROWLEY, Custodian Alien Enemy Property, Washington D. C. (5) NELLE IRVIN CASS1DY, address Port Blanc en Baden, Morbihan, occupied France, widow of Edward R. Cassidy if dead; (6) JOHN DOE, RICHARD DOE and MARY DOE, these three being fictitious names to represent the issue and all the heirs at law and next of kin of Edward R. Cassidy, if he be dead, other than said Robert Irvin Cassidy, whose residences of addresses are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry be ascertained; (7) WILLIAM DOE, being a fictitious name to represent the administrator or executor of Edward R. Cassidy, if he be dead, whose address is unknown and cannot be ascertained…

And all other persons interested in the judicial settlement of the account of proceedings of THE NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK AND TRUST OF ALBANY as sole testamentary trustee under paragraph “TENTH” of the last Will and Testament of LUCIE ROCHEFORT CASSIDY, late of the City and County of Albany, N. Y., deceased, for the benefit of Edward R. CASSIDY for the period from May 13, 1916 to the 31st day of January, 1944, send Greeting…

Altamont Enterprise April 14, 1944