Barckley, Michael Henry Portrait

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Knox - Barckley - lithographed by Murray & Goodwin, Albany, NY 1865. Barckley at far left center.
Knox - Barckley - lithographed by Murray & Goodwin, Albany, NY 1865. Barckley at far left center.
Knox - Barckley - lithographed by Murray & Goodwin, Albany, NY 1865.

M. H. Barckley was included in this collection of photos of follow officers. Below is a detailed description.


an aesthetically pleasing custom mosaic consisting of 18 albumen worked in two concentric circles around a slightly larger oval albumen of Col. Lewis O. Morris, Killed at Cold Harbor, Va. by Sharpshooter, June 4, 1864, each officer roughly 2” mounted on white stock with printed captions beneath, published by former Company M Captain G. H. Treadwell and lithographed by Murray & Goodwin, Albany, NY 1865. The exceptionally bright board bears Treadwell’s inked salutation along the lower right margin, Compliments/ G. H. Treadwell/late Capt. 7th N.Y.V.A./Brevet Major U.S. Vols. The memorial is mounted in a typical mid Victorian walnut frame trimmed with a band of burled veneer measuring 20 x 21.5”.

Of the 18 officers honored, eight were killed in action, six died of wounds, and four others were prisoners who died of disease, all casualties of the bitter fighting that occurred during the summer of 1864. The officers are Colonel Lewis O. Morris (KIA Cold Harbor 6/4/64), Major Edward A. Springsteed, (wounded Petersburg 6/16/64, KIA Reams’ Station 8/25/64), Capt. Charles Maguire, Co. H (wounded & POW Weldon RR 6/22/64, DOW Petersburg 7/4/64), Capt. James Kennedy, Co. L (wounded Cold Harbor 6/3/64, wounded & POW Reams’ Station 8/25/64, died typhoid fever at Libby Prison 9/10/64), Capt. Nathaniel Wright, Co. F (KIA Reams’ Station 8/25/64), 2nd Lieut. Edgar S. Moss, Co. M (POW Petersburg 6/16/64, died of yellow fever at Charleston, SC 10/6/64), 2nd Lieut. Charles L. Yearsley, Co. G (KIA Petersburg 6/16/64), 2nd Lieut. Charles S. White, Co. H (died of typhoid fever at Petersburg 7/9/64), 2nd Lieut. C. Swaine Evans, Co. I (WIA Cold Harbor 6/3/64, DOW 6/5/64), 1st Lieut. Thomas J. McClure, Co. L (KIA Cold Harbor 6/3/64),

1st Lieut. Michael H. Barclay, Co. K (WIA Cold Harbor 6/5/64, right leg amputated, DOW 7/6/64),

Capt. John A. Morris, Co. C (KIA Spotsylvania C.H. 5/19/64), Capt. Charles McCulloch, Co. D (KIA Spotsylvania C.H. 5/19/64), Capt. Robert H. Bell, Co. F (WIA Spotsylvania C.H. 5/19/64, left leg amputated, DOW 6/24/64), 1st Lieut. & Adjutant John B. Read, Co. A (KIA Cold Harbor 6/3/64), 1st Lieut. Matthew Bell, Co. K (died of disease at Washington, D.C. 4/11/64), 1st Lieut. William E. Orr, Co. E (wounded left shoulder North Anna River 5/25/64, DOW 6/2/64), and Lt. Colonel Frederick L. Tremain, 10th NY Cavalry, formerly Capt. Co. C, transferred to F & S 10th NY Cavalry, wounded 2/6/65 Hatcher’s Run, DOW 2/8/65).

The sole survivor was Capt. George H. Treadwell, Co. M (discharged 12/10/ 64), the officer who honored his deceased pards with this memorial. The 7th NYHA was one of the garrison regiments withdrawn from the Washington Defenses and assigned to Barlow’s Division, 2nd Corps, Army of the Potomac as infantry reinforcements for Grant’s summer campaign. As a body of troops, the `heavies` sustained appalling casualties, sacrificed to the all out war of attrition designed intentionally to wear down Lee. Seeing active campaigning only during the last 10 month’s of the war, the 7th NYHA lost 14 officers and 277 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded in battle, earning the statistical distinction of being number three on Fox’s Regimental Losses list.
