Baptist Church of Bern and Knox, in the Rensselaerville Association New York - Papers and Letters
(Separate Papers & Letters)
Westerlo December 7th 1851
Dear Brother Tower Sir having a few moments pleasure I take my pen in hand to inform you that my health is not good and as you thought that I had better come and meet with you the Church meeting that is to come of the third Satturday [sic] in this Month and again ask my Breathering [sic] and Sisters for the letter of licence that was put over when I was there for want of time. My Bretherin [sic] know me and can act understandly as well probably as if I should be there it is hard work for me to get about and since I was there Missis Reynolds fell and Spraint her rist [sic] so that She is unable to do anything and it will be difficult for me to leave home as soon as your next Covenant meeting anyhow I should be glad if the Church would act on my request and I hope that I have Grace enough to be content with the voice of the church whether that voice be yea or nay I feel attached to my Brethering [sic] and Sisters in Knox and have had many heavenly meetings with them and can with pleasure look back on them as the travalor [sic] looks at the oases of the desert when he has almoast [sic] reached his home.
Missis Reynolds and myself send our Love to the Church and begs interest in their prayers that we may live devoted to God In in [sic] his favor and rest in the realms of Glory with all of the blood washed throng and with all of our breatheren & Sisters of the Church of Bern & Knox is and has been our constant prayer and will be untill [sic] prayer is turned to praise.
Hezekiah Reynolds to Br. Stephen Tower
P.S. Pleas [sic] send me the answer of the Church as soon as convenient after the meeting Direct your letter to Westerlo Albany Co. NY St.
At a covenant meeting of the Baptist Church of Bern & Knox held on the 20th day of Dec 1851 It was on motion duly made & seconded that the petition of Bro. H. Reynolds for a letter of license to preach be denied.
A. Pinkney Ch. Clk S. G. Tower Moderator
Westerlo Albany Co. New York
March 30 A D 1852
Dear Paster [sic] having received your letter of the 24 February I now take my pen in hand to inform you that we are enjoy in more or less the smiles of Providence, you Say in your vote that the refusal of the Church to grant Me my request ought not to affect me materially and will not if I have the exercise of Grace in the heart yet you say that you think that you and the Church would not by any act of yours or theirs obstruct in any way the indications of a divine Providence in a call to preach as brought to bear upon any mind by the operation of the spirit of God, and you say truly that I ought to confide in the integrity of My brethren I think that I do and by So doing I am placed in peculiar circumstances first in accordance I think with the views of my brethren. I have no right to attempt to preach. My mind has been very peculiarly exercised and is Still on the subject I must not try for fear of injuring the feelings of the Church I ask the Church for a license to preach or to try to preach they Say by their vote that I Shall not have the privilege of being Servant to all Second and you Dear brother in your letter of advise Say that if in the Providence of God My associations are Such as to afford means of oppertunity [sic] to exercise My gifts and that those exercises will be appreciable if Providence has indicated those exercises they will be apparent and if So who would interpose no one Third all that I have asked of the Church is to give me a letter granting me the privilege that you indicate So that if Providence Should cast my lot among my friends and an opportunity presented it Self and I Should be called on to try to Say Something to the people about the love of Jesus that I might try and leave the event with God but the Church Saye no God is following me with his Judgements for disobedience what shall I do to you I look I think that I understand enough about human nature to know where it will do for me to endeavor or to try to preach and I think that I know the Baptist Sentiments and believe them and by the Grace of God crucified them if I must not try till the Church Says that I may by their letter they Say that I shall not try. I submit to their Decision, I ask in the great day of accounts who will have to answer for my neglect of duty will God hold either the Church or me Guiltless Shurely [sic] not
I hope that you will receive the sugestions [sic] as dran [sic] in the utmost kindness towards you my Brother and toward the Church if it would not be to much trouble I Should like to have you answer this note and notice Some of the embarassments have in mentioned and now may God allways [sic] have you in his holy keeping is the prayer of your unworthy brother in the bonds of the gospel
Elder Tower Hezekiah Reynolds
The Baptist Church of Christ in Rupert to any sister Church of the same faith and order this is to certify that Rev. E. W. Brownell is A member of this Church and as such we do cordially recommend him to your care and fellowship. Agreeable to his request he is hereby dismissed from us to unite with you. Done by order and in behalf of the Church.
West Rupert June 24th 1860
S. H. Sherman Ch. Clk.
West Rupert Vt. June 24th 1860
The Baptist Church of Christ in Rupert to any sister Church of the same faith and order this is to certify that Sister Sarah I. Brownell is A member of this church in good and regular standing and as such we do cordially recommend her to your care and fellowship And when she shall have united with any such Church we shall considder [sic] her dismissed from us Done by order and in behalf of the Church
S. H. Sherman Ch. Clk.
At a regular Church Meeting held at the Church on the 2nd day of Dec/54
It was on motion
Resolved that a Com. of 4 be appointed by the Chair to engage the services of a sexton at a salary of not over 20 dolls per annum.
Spencertown N.Y./10
June 11 1821
Mr. Russell Phillips
Bern N.Y.
Austerlitz June 2d, 1821
The Baptist Church of Christ formerly the first in Canaan to the Baptist Church in Bern send Christian Salutation
Beloved Brethren
This is to Inform you that Sister Susannah Braiman has presented a Letter from your messengers at the last association & has bin [sic] Received to the felloship [sic] of the Church in this place wishing she may Enjoy all the Blessings of faithfullness [sic] in our Watch & Care & be an ornament to the Cause of Christ and that you may Shaire [sic] Richly in the Display of Gods Grace in behalf of the Church by Order [unclear]
Horace Stow Church Clerk
The 2nd Baptist Church of Christ in Schoharie to any other Church of the same faith and order sendeth Christian salutation Dear Brethren this is to certify that sister Hanna Kniskern is a member in good standing with us and as sutch [sic] we recommend her to your fellowship and care and when joined with you and we are notified of the same we shall consider her dismissed from us — done by order of the Church Schoharie Dec 21st 1833. Elijah Kimball Ch Clk.
Township April 4/54
Br. Dawson
Dr Sir You have no doubt been apprised of Br Beardslee's mind, in relation to the matter, your generous spirit prompted you to make so liberal an offering upon. I regret that his affairs, at this peculiar time, should be such, as to render it impracticle [sic] for him to acquiesce in so favorable a proposal, as this seems to be the only condition we might hope to obtain it upon.
Under these circumstances, I desire to submit for your consideration a single proposition.
May we hope to realize from you the proposed two hundred dollars, providing we can raise, or give pledges for the securing of the residue of the funds? If so I think it can be done and will give my dilligence [sic]. At the task I shall indulge the hope of an early answer, being fully assured of its meeting your favorable regard.
Yours as Ever S. G. Tower
Letter of Dismission
The First Baptist Church of Glenville, N.Y.
To The Baptist Church (at West Township) Albany Co
Sendeth Christian Salutation
This Certifies, That Mrs Esther Gage is a Member with us in good and regular standing, and at her own request is granted this letter for the purpose of uniting with you, and when so united and we notified of the same, her membership will cease with us.
By order of the Church
W. C. Caw Church Clerk
Scotia, N.Y. Aug 4 1882
The circumstances leading to this act on my part have been peculiar, and seemingly beyond my controll [sic]. And though their [sic] may have been good reasons affording just cause for a separation, yet it may be questionable, whether they have contributed in any way to the accomplishing of it.
I have reached a point in the history of my experience for which I can find no precedent within the range of Scripture teaching, affording any just ground or warrant, for a precipitate disolving [sic] of a union of parties, where that bond should be the immediate and legitimate result of love.
Any notion like that of severing the pastoral relation upon, at least trivial causes, should be sufficient reason with any candid and reflecting mind, to anticipate at least that sin is gaining an unwarrantable ascendency in some quarter which calls for immediate humility and self abasement before him who is the judge of the secrets of mens hearts. And with this fact in my mind I cannot approach such a point without many misgivings, which seem well nigh to overwhelm me under the impressions of the teachings of that interesting Scripture wherein it is said If a brother be overtaken in a fault, you that are spiritual seek to restore such an one. But since it has been affirmed and reaffirmed again and again that nothing can give satisfaction short of a separation of the parishes, I am forced to the only alternative of presenting to you this 19th day of March for your formal consideration, my resignation of the pastoral relation of this Baptist Church of Bern & Knox, to take effect immediately upon the passage of the act.
S. G. Tower
Rev. Mr. Brown — Sir.
In regard to the subject presented at our church meeting today — viz opening our meeting house for our service, We would act cautiously and candidly — Understanding as we do that you consider the Son unequal with the Father — not looking upon him as the Almighty God — The Everlasting Father — a doctrine against which we believe Isa 9-6 — John 1-1 — Prov 8 Chapt 1 — John 5-20 most clearly protest, we cannot conscientiously say yes.
Done by order of the church
D. H. Spencer Church Clerk