Baptist Church of Bern and Knox, in the Rensselaerville Association New York - 1852 to 1856

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

Dr A Pinkney as Treasurer of the Baptist Church of Bern & Knox

Nov. 8
By Cash received on Subscription of Abigail Witter Mr. S. G. Tower 2
Nov. 25
By Cash received on Subscription of Lucy May Mr. S. G. Tower 5
" received on Subscription of Widow Lucy Ann Witter " 10
" " Phebe Joslin .25 & Martin A. Joslin .25 .50
" " Tahpenas Shaw .05
Nov. 28 " " Cash recd of S. G. Tower 12
15 " Ephraim Templer & Robert Note for delivered to S. G. Tower 90
Dec. 1 Cash 8
Dec. 6 " Cash recd of S. G. Tower 30
By Amount Carried forward to next page 157.55

1851 Nov. 25
By Cash received from Several donors by S. G. Towers, without the
bounds of " the Church from sundry persons see subscription 4.50
" " from Chas Smith .12 1/2
4.62 1/2
By Amount brought from opposite page 157.55

  162.17 1/2
1852 To Note of E. Temple & Robt Ennis delivered to S. G. Tower
& by him collected & appropriated to building Church 90.
Balance of $72.17 1/2 Cr. to the Church of c on said
Pinkney's Ledger P84, See Ledger Book B pp. 84 72.17 1/2

  162.17 1/2

  The foregoing a/c on this and the opposite page are settled by Crediting the balance of $72.17 1/2 to the Church a/c on A. Pinkney Ledger B page 84, & the note of Temple & Ennis was delivered to S. G. Tower who collected the same and used it in procuring materials for the erection of Church edifice, for which it was subscribed.


  At a church Meeting held on the 12th day of March it was via application
  Resolved That a letter of dismission be granted to Sr Mary E. Engle (Sterling) A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. S. G. Tower, Pastor

  At a Regular Meeting of the building Committee for the erection of the Church edifice for the Baptist Ch of Bern & Knox held on the 8th day of Dec. 1851 I. N. Crary was chosen Chn & A. Pinkney Secretary.
  It was
  Resolved that a committee of two be appointed to inquire and ascertain the cost of a site for a Church edifice. The Chn appointed brn S. G. Tower & A. Pinkney.
  Resolved That a Committee of two be appointed to ascertain the best facilities for obtaining stone at the least cost S. G. Tower & I. N Crary were appointed said Committee.
  Resolved that the Chairman appoint

[*no capital in original]

an additional member to the last named Committee, whereupon J. W. Crary was added, & that they report to the next meeting. It was then
  Resolved that a Com. be appointed to obtain Lumber & Materials for the construction of the house and that S. G. Tower, Cornelius Seabury & J. W. Crary compose the said Committee.
  Resolved that the meeting adjourn to meet on *monday evening next. I. N. Crary Chn. A. Pinkney Secy.
  At an adjourned meeting of the building Committee held at the home of A. Pinkney on the 19th day of Dec. 1851, I. N. Crary was present as Chn & A. Pinkney was present as Secretary. After prayer by Bro I. N. Crary the Committee appointed to obtain a site for a Church lot made their Reporte [sic] it was accepted & they were discharged There was then the following brethren were appointed a Com. S. G. Tower, Cors Seabury, Joseph W. Crary, I. N. Crary and A. Pinkney.

  Resolved the meeting adjourn til friday next the 26th at 6 o'clock P.M. A. Pinkney Secy I. N Crary Chn
  At an adjourned meeting of the building Com. held at the rooms of S. G. Tower on the 26th Dec. 1851, I. N. Crary was Chairn & A. Pinkney was present as Secy It was ordered that the Com. take a recess til Thursday Jan. 1, 1852. A. Pinkney Secy. I. N. Crary Chn
  At an adjourned meeting of the building Com. held on the 1st day of Jan. 1852, I. N. Crary Chn & S. G. Tower Secy pro tem, on motion
  Resolved that the sum of fifty dollars be paid for the purchase of a church lot adjourning [sic] the westerly side of the 3d M. E. church Lot in Knox to contain forty eight rods. It was then
  Resolved to adjourn until the 2d thursday Jany 1852 at 6 o'clock P.M. I. N. Crary Chn A. Pinkney, Secy, Recorded Jany 2, 1852 A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


At a Regular meeting of the members of this Church it was
  Resolved That in consequence of bro. James Gibbs (Ch. Clk) removal from the bounds of the church that Augustus Pinkney of Knox be appointed Church Clerk.


  At a regular Church Meeting held August 31, 1850 Bro. S. G. Tower presiding. It was
  Resolved that a letter of dismission be granted to Bro. James Gibbs, it was then
  Resolved that bro A Pinkney write the Annual Letter. The following brethren were appointed delegates to the association, Dea. G. W. Eaton, Brthn Ira Witter, E. P. Crary, A. Pinkney P Rogers Michael Maher. Cash Recd for minutes $1.00 for Missionary ppurposes $11.33 1/3 to Home Mis. 1/3 to Forn & 1/3 to the Bible Society. S. G. Tower Moderator
  Recorded Sept. 6, 1850. A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


  At a regular meeting of the church on the 16th day of February — previous notice

having been given — the following resolution was moved seconded and adopted
  Resolved That brethren Cornelius Seabury and Isaac N. Crary, be and they are hereby appointed Deacons, Carried.
  A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.

  It was also
  Resolved, That a letter of dismission be granted to Sister Elmira Mc Intosh (Phillips) A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


  At a Regular meeting of the members of the Church of Bern & Knox held on the 20th day of December 1851. It was on motion
  Resolved after duly considering the subject that the petition of Bro. Hezekiah Reynolds for a letter of License to Preach be denied.
  Resolved that the Clerk return to Bro. Reynolds the result the action of the Church. A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. S. G. Tower Moderator Record Dec. 20, 1851

  At a meeting of the Building Com. held at the Rooms of Bro. S. G. Tower on the 29th day of November 1852 the chairman I. N. Crary, & A. Pinkney the Secretary being present, it was on motion
  Resolved That Bro. S. G. Tower is hereby authorized to receive & the moneys subscribed for the building of the Baptist Church, and that he is hereby empowered to use the said funds for the purchase of a site and the erection & completion of the same. Carried.
  On motion the meeting adjourned to meet on motion from Bro. S. G. Tower.
  A. Pinkney Secy. I. N. Crary Chairman

Annual letter to the Association
The Baptist Church of Bern & Knox to the
Rensselaerville Association

Dear Brethren

  Agreeable to established usage we submit this our Epistle to the Annual association, We have no material alterations in our affairs to communicate,

  We have been called to mourn the loss of one we loved and whose help we needed particularly do we feel the loss of our aged Mother in Israel and devoted follower of the cross, Sister Elizabeth Crary, yet we have nothing to fear for the fate of the cause in consequence of her departure if Spirituality continues to animate the living, for the Lord God in our midst is mighty, and trusting to Him we quietly wait for the Visitation of His Spirit to quicken and animate us, and save Sinners.
  We acknowledge our remissions in making no higher attainments in the divine life, but have reason to adore our heavenly Father for his Forbearance and long suffering towards us in not visiting us more severely with his chastening.

  The following brethren were appointed delegates to the Association, Viz.: Eld. S. G. Tower, Deas Cors Seabury, A. St. John Brn James Gibbs, J. Witter E. P. Crary Dea G. W. Eaton.

  There has been added members as follows: 1 Baptized 1 Recd by letter 6 Dismissed by letter 1 Died Present number 86
  The sum of Dollars has been collected for the following purposes Viz
  For the
  A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


Annual Letter to the Association
The Baptist Church of Bern & Knox to the
Rensselaerville Association, send Christian Salutation
Dear Brethren,

  In the course of God's ordination Another year has rolled around & brought us to the time of holding another Association. We feel to return to Him the dispenser of all blessings our humble & unfeigned homage for the blessings & we trust the guardian care he has exercised over us since our last Association, and especially do we render to him

our praises and adoration for exempting the members of this small branch of Zion from the ravages of the Pestilence that walketh in darkness and destroyeth at noon day. Our numbers are small as our statistics will show and we mourn to say our zeal for the cuase of our Redeemer is proportionate but we believe the Lord has dispensed his mercy drops among us fully in proportion to our merits. The Lord has been pleased to awaken a few souls under the administration of his word by brother Tower, who labors with a branch of this church & there has been two baptised and added to our number have been dismissed by letter added by letter. There appears to be union, harmony & good fellowship in the Church. The Church edifice is approximating to to [sic] completion, and the Lord prospering us we trust before the expiration of two months we are confident it will be our happiness to invite our friends to assist in dedicating the same

to the service of Almighty God, when we design to lay before the meeting the financial affairs of the Church, we will however briefly state that our building will cost say in round numbers 1600 dollars of which sum 1100 dollars has been subscribed & part received the balance remains to be provided for.
  The delegates to this Association herein named are empowered by a vote at a regular Church meeting to tender the use of the said building to this association, and they are hereby respectfully invited to hold the next associationn with the Baptist Church of Bern & Knox in the Township on the days of September 1855 The Following sums were collected for the purpose as set forth, namely,
   For American B. M. Union $25.00
   " Home Mission Union 6.97
" Amn & Foreign Bible Society 4.77
" Ministerial Education 2.00
" American Pubn Society 5.50
" Moneys for Minutes 1.71

  Total $45.95

  The following delegates were appointed, to wit, Rev. S. G. Tower, Deas A. St. John, G. W. Eaton, Br. A. Pinkney, J. W. Crary, I. C. Pinkney.
  All of which is Respectfully submitted By order of the Church. A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. Township September 17th 1854 Recorded Nov 19th 1854 A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


  At a Regular Church meeting held on the 2d day of September 1854 S. G. Tower Moderator
  It was moved & carried that A. Pinkney write the circular letter & that Rev. S. G. Tower, Dea A. St. John, Br. A. Pinkney, J. W. Crary, & I. C. Pinkney compose the delegation to the Association
  Resolved that a Letter of dismission be granted to Sr. Olive Onderdonk,
  Resolved that an Invitation to hold the next Association in the new Church be tendered to the Rensselaerville Association
  Resolved, That in case the New York

Missionary Convention withhold the aid asked for this Church that we withhold our share contributed & that the same be paid towards the construction of the new Church edifice in progress of erection.
  A. Pinkney, Ch. Clk. S. G. Tower, Moderator
  Recorded September 4th, 1854
  A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.
  At a Church meeting held the 12th March 1854 it was
  Resolved that a letter of dismission be granted to sister Mary A. Engle (Sterling).
  A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. S. G. Tower Moderator


  At a Regular Church Meeting held on the 30th day of September 1854 S. G. Tower (Pastor) presiding it was on motion made and seconded
  Resolved that a Committee of twelve members be appointed by the meeting, to make arrangements for dedicating the new house of Worship and that they be empowered to expend in the arrangement the amount of dollars for that purpose.

  The following persons were appointed as said Committee Viz Sisters P. M. Dayton, Lucy A. Witter, M. A. Seabury, M. A. Spencer, Lucinda St. John, & Brethren S. G. Tower, A. Pinkney, I. N. Crary, Jos. Gibbs, D. H. Spencer, & Deas C. Seabury & A. St. John.
  Resolved that J. W. Crary, C. Seabury, D. H. Spencer & A. Pinkney compose a Committee to clear the Rubbish Fit the grounds & build the fence in front & around the Church. Carried. A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.


  At a regular Church meeting of the members of the Baptist Church of Bern and Knox, held at the Baptist House of Worship in Knox, on the 6th day of May A.D. 1855 Rev. Stephen G. Tower the Pastor presiding as Moderator, and A. Pinkney Church Clerk present as secretary It was on motion made and seconded unanimously
  Resolved that the male members proceed

to ballot for three Trustees for the Church notice having been given the three preceeding weeks & none but male members of full age voting when David H. Spencer received a majority of all the votes for Trustee for three years from the date hereof. Ira Witter received a majority of all the votes cast for Trustee for two years from the date hereof and Joseph W. Crary received a majority of all the votes cast for Trustee for one year from the date hereof.
  On application it was
  Resolved unanimously that a Letter of dismission be granted to Sister Mary Jane Witter (Wilber)
  It was then on motion made and seconded
  Resolved, That the subscription List for the erection of the House of worship with the names and amount by each subscribed be entered of Record in the Church Book, which Resolutions aforesaid were unanimously carried.
  A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. S. G. Tower Moderator
  Recorded May 7th, 1855 A. Pinckney Ch. Clk.

Annual Letter to the Association
The Baptist Ch of Bern & Knox to the
Rensselaereville Association

Dear Brn

  In accordance with an established usage, we present this our Annual Letter to this association.
  After the expiration of over fifty years from the organization of this Church, the present members would humbly express the gratification they feel in the assembleing [sic] of this association for the first time within the bounds of this Church and in their house of Worship,
  We do therefore devoutly invoke the blessings of our Father in Heaven, so to influence the minds of the members of the association to discharge their several duties to the honor & Majesty of His Holy name and that some signal good may be done for the cause of Christ, in the awakening and turning souls from darkness to light. We therefore with humble & gladdened

hearts bid you all a hearty & sincere welcome to our house of Worship our homes & hospitality.
  Spiritually we are living below our privileges, union & harmony generally prevails among the members.
  We have public exercises every Sabbath morning and at 5 o'clock P.M. every other Sabbath & on other Sabbaths at 10 A.M.
  The following are our statistics 2 Baptized 1 dismissed by Letter

  Present number 86.

  Our delegates to this association are
Eld. S. G. Tower, Pastor
Dea. C. Seabury
Brn J. W. Crary
" I. Baker
" A. Pinkney
" D. H. Spencer

  Collection for Benevolent objects
For the Am Bp Miss Union
" " Home Miss Society
" " Am. & Forn Bible Society
" " Am Bp. Publication do
" " New York State Convention
" " Money's for Minutes

  Respectfully Submitted By order of the Ch. Sept. 19th 1855 A. Pinkney Ch. Clk. Recorded this 19th day of Sept. 1855 by order of the Church A. Pinkney Ch. Clk.

  At a Regular Ch. Meeting it was
  Resolved that on application that letters of dismission be granted to Bro. & Sr. A. Pinkney, Elizabeth, Isaac C. Pinkney & Elizabeth Crary (Jones)
  Done by order of the Church this 6th Day of Sept. 1856 D. H. Spencer Ch. Clk.


  At a regular Church Meeting held on the 21st of June 1856, at the Baptist House of Worship in Knox, It was
  Resolved unanimously that David H. Spencer be the Clerk of the Church in place of A. Pinkney who has removed from the bounds of the Church.
  At an annual Church meeting held at the Baptist house of worship in Knox on the 21st day of June 1856, Dea. Cornelius Seabury was chosen Moderator and D. H. Spencer was present as Ch. Clk. the legal notice's having been given the meeting proceeded to ballot for a trustee in place of J. W. Crary whose term of office had expired. When

John A. Lendrum received a Majority of all the votes cast and was declared duly elected Trustee for three years. It was then
  Resolved that the Meeting adjourn to the first tuesday in May next at 6 o'clock P.M. at the same place. Cors Seabury Chairman D. H. Spencer, Ch. Clk. Recorded June 21st 1856, D. H. Spencer Ch. Clk.