Baker, Merrill K.
Merrill Baker was born May 25, 1890 in Gloversville, son of the late Channing D. Baker and Alice Klock. He moved to West Township in 1916. His brother and sister were:
- Ernest Baker of Troy
- Mrs. Florence Dillenbeck of Schenectady.
Mr. Baker had served 10 years as Knox supervisor. He was chairman of the town Democratic committee at the time of his death. Until taken ill a year ago, he was supervisor in the Albany county highway department.
A former president of the Albany County Farm Bureau, he also belonged to the Helderberg grange of West Township. He belonged to the Methodist CHurch of West Township and was a member of the Noah Lodge, No. 754, F. and A. M. of Altamont.
Marriage & Children
Merril Baker married Ollie Empie. Their children were:
- Walter Baker of Thacher Park
- Ivan Empie Baker of West Township
- Mrs, Evelyn Zeh of Voorheesville
- Mrs. Dorothy Fellows of New York City.
Merrill K. Baker died last Thursday night (April 27, 1950) in Albany hospital. He was 50 years old.

Baker, Former Knox Supervisor, Dies at Age of 59
Merrill K. Baker, former Democratic supervisor of the Town of Knox, and long actvie in Democratic politics in Albany count, died last Thursday night (April 27, 1950) in Albany hospital. He was 50 years old.
Mr. Baker had served 10 years as Knox supervisor. He was chairman of the town Democratic committee at the time of his death. Until taken ill a year ago, he was supervisor in the Albany county highway department.
A former president of the Albany County Farm Bureau, he also belonged to the Helderberg grange of West Township. He belonged to the Methodist CHurch of West Township and was a member of the Noah Lodge, No. 754, F. and A. M. of Altamont.
Mr. Baker had been a patient in Albany Hospital since March 15. He had been ill since last spring when he suffered a heart attack.
A native of Gloversville, he was born May 25, 1890, son of the late Channing D. and Alice Klock Baker. He moved to West Township in 1916.
Survivors include his wife, the former Ollie Empie; two sons, Walter Baker of Thacher Park and Ivan Baker of West Township; Two daughters; Mrs Evelyn Zeh of Voorheesville and Mrs. Dorothy Fellows of New York City. He also leaves nine grandchildren, one brother, Ernest Baker of Troy, and one sister, Mrs. Florence Dillenbeck of Schenectady.
Funeral services were held Monday at 1:30 p. m. at the Fredendall Funeral home in Altamont, with Rev. James E. Morecraft, pastor fo the Altamont Lutheran Church, officiating. Masonic services were conducted Sunday evening by Noah Lodge of Altamont. Burial was at Sharon.
- Altamont Enterprise - May 5, 1950
Additional Media
The photo Evelyn sent, taken Easter Sunday 1954 after church of the Zeh family, Evelyn, Edwin, Bruce and Jan will go in the church album. Evelyn left by car for Florida this week. She spends winter with her mother, Ollie, who will be 90 in February. Evelyn reminisced about years ago when her folks, Merril and Ollie Baker and family lived on a farm above Lee's Corners, She recalls how the Baker kids used to run over to play at Auntie Ostrander's and Uncle Jimmy's when Papa, Mama and Gallupville Ostrander kids visited Papa's Uncle Jim, Remembers our surrey with fringe on top. Merril Baker died in 1950. In 1961, Ollie married Al Bertram of Gallupville Road, She has lived 21 years in Florida, Evelyn says her mother reads our paper and likes my column.
- Altamont Enterprise - November 25, 1982
Mrs. Ollie Baker and Albert Bertram were married Saturday afternoon at the West Township Apostolic Gospel church, by Rev. Ernest Doggette assisted by Rev. Hanby. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond. Ushers were James Baker and Larry Baker. grandsons of the bride. Mrs Baker was dressed in a gown of rose with hat to match and wore an orchid corsage. Mrs. Hammond wore a beige dress with hat to match: Her corsage was of rosebuds. After a reception for 90 guests at the West Township Grange hall, Mr. and Mrs. Bertram left for an extended trip through the southern states. They have the best wishes of their many friends here.
- Altamont Enterprise - January 20, 1961
West Township
Mr. and Mrs. . Alfred Douglas of Troy visited her sister, Mrs. Ollie Baker, Tuesday.
- Altamont Enterprise - June 27, 1958
Mrs. Ollie Baker and Albert Bertram visited Mrs. Baker's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Roe, at Cortland, Tuesday.
- Altamont Enterprise - November 4, 1960
Mrs. Ollie Baker visited her daughter, Mrs. Edwin Zeh at Slingerlands on Sunday.
- Altamont Enterprise - December 25, 1959
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker and son of Thompson's Lake visited his mother, Mrs. Ollie Baker, Sunday.
- Altamont Enterprise - October 2, 1959
Ford Empie, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Ollie Baker, for a month has returned to his home in California.
- Altamont Enterprise - June 15, 1956
Card of Thanks - We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who helped to lighten our sorrow for their kind expressions of sympathy and the floral offerings extended at the death of our beloved mother. Bertha Ebersole. Special thanks to Rev. Overholser for his consoling, words, also to Mereness Funeral Home for their fine service.
Ollie Baker, Lena Roe. Leland Empie, Ford Empie.
- Altamont Enterprise - October 19, 1951
Services For Ollie Bertram
Graveside services will be held for Ollie Baker Bertram, formerly of Township Road, on Saturday, June 29, (1985) at Slate Hill Cemetery, Sharon Hill (Schoharie Co.). Bertram died in Bradenton, Fla., April 25, (1985). Rev. John Tanner, pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Plattsburgh
will officiate.
- Altamont Enterprise - June 27, 1985
Isabell Q, Baker
KNOX—Isabell Q. Baker died on Saturday, March 4, 2006, at the Community Hospice Inn at St. Peter's Hospital in Albany. She was 93. Mrs. Baker was born in Knox, the daughter of the late Clarence and Alta Quay. She was a member of the Thompson's Lake Reformed Church and served as its treasurer for many years. She also was a member of the Hilltown Senior Citizens. Her husband, Walter Baker, died in 1972.
Mrs. Baker is survived by her son James E. Baker and his wife, Dorothy, of Johnstown; her son Robert Baker and his wife, Catherine, of Duntocher, Scotland; her granddaughter Amy Elaine Baker and her husband, John; her granddaughter Betsy Lynne Martineau and her husband, Lance; her grandson, Morgan McBride Baker and his wife, Elaine; and her great-grandchildren, Taylor Elaine Martineau, Zachery James Martineau, and Leah Catherine Baker. A funeral service will be held Saturday at 11a.m. at the Fredendall Funeral Home in Altamont. Friends and relatives may call on Friday from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Burial will be in Prospect Hill Cemetery, Guilderland.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Thompson's Lake Reformed Church, Post Office Box 94, East Berne, NY 12059.
- Altamont Enterprise - March 9, 2006
BAKER — At rest June 15 (1972) Walter L. Baker, R. D. 1 Voorheesville, husband of Isabelle Quay; father of James E. Baker, Johnstown, and Robert Baker, Rota, Spain; son of Mrs. Ollie Bertram, Bradenton, Fla.; brother of Ivan Baker, Castleton, Mrs. Evelyn Zeh, Slingerlands, and Mrs. Mrs. Dorothy Wyatt of Brandenton, Fla. Also survived by three grand children, several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held from the Thompson's Lake Reformed church Monday afternoon with Rev. Peter Berry officiating.
- Altamont Enterprise - June 23, 1972
Ollie Baker Bertram Obituary - Altamont Enterprise - June 27, 1985 Walter L. Baker Obituary - Altamont Enterprise - June 23, 1972 Isabell Quay Baker Obituary - Altamont Enterprise - March 9, 2006