August 22, 1862 - Letter from Michael Henry Barckley to his Father
From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY

Tennallytown, D.C. Aug 22nd 1862
Dear Father
I arrived here today about 6 oclock to night all Well
Our camp is located about six miles from Washington.
Our Regiment will be formed in to a Regiment of Artillery our Colonel having been a Captain in the 1st Regular Artillery. We are in a camp near two springs of good water.
Our men are nearby all well.
One from Westerlo ran a bayonet in his breast very near his heart and is very near dead.
The surgeon says it will be a hard job with him.
Have no more time now as the guard have ordered the lights out
From Your Son
M H Barckley
Lieut M. H. Barckley
Co K 113th Reg N. Y. S. Vol
Tennallytown D. C.
Note: Sent from Michael Henry Barckley to his father, Henry Barckley