Anderson's Store

From Helderberg Hilltowns of Albany County, NY
Anderson's Store and Post Office Corner of Rt. 1 and 143

This picture of the post office located in Anderson's store was found in 1992. None of the older residents alive at that time could identify those in the picture. What is know is that Gilbert Anderson was Post master at this time in history and Fred Blossom was the Rural Mail Carrier. As one can clearly see in the picture the two signs on the store read hardware and Westerlo Post Office. This building still stands on the NW corner of Main and North streets where route 143 heads north. Ths site of the post office prior to its current location was in the building located directly across the street fom Anderson's on County Route 1. Kenneth Atkins was postmaster there as well as the first one in this building.

On the left of the door of the wagon is RFD "Rural Free Delivery." To the right of the door is the mail carrier, probably, Fred Blossom. Behind him on the wagon it undoubtedly says USPO "United State Post Office."