Landauer, Albertine
Albertine Landauer was born Dec. 8, 1890 in Alsace, France (then part of Germany). Maiden name and parents are not known at this time.
The Landauers came to the town of Knox in 1922. Until shortly before her death, she resided on a farm on Beebe Road.
Marriage & Children
Albertine married August Landauer. Their children were:
- Francis Landauer of Phoenix, Ariz.
- Louis Charles Landauer of Latham
- Anthony Joseph Landauer of Knox
Albertine Landauer, 86, of Beebe Road, Knox, died October 13, 1977.

Albertine Landauer Dies
Funeral services were held Monday St rt. Lucy's Catholic Church, Altamont, for Albertine Landauer, 86, of Beebe Road, Knox, who died Oct. 13. (1977)
Born Dec. 8, 1890 in Alsace, France (then part of Germany), Mrs. Landauer was the wife of the late August Landauer, The Landauers came to the town of Knox in 1922. Until shortly before her death, she resided on a farm on Beebe Road.
She is survived, by three sons, Francis Landauer of Phoenix, Ariz.; Charles Landauer of Latham and Joseph Landauer of Knox, she is also survived by 18 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Mrs. Landauer was the grandmother of the late Thomas Landauer.
Her surviving grandsons, Peter, Daniel, Jeffrey, Joel, John, and James Landauer, were pall-bearers at Monday's funeral. Fr. William Walsh officiated. Burial was a Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery, Niskayuna.
- Altamont Enterprise - Friday, October 21, 1977
Additional Media
Miss Gilroy Married To Altamont Man
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Marianne L. Gilroy, daughter of J. Herbert Gilroy, Utica, to Louis Charles Landauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Landauer, Altamont, Dec. 28. in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Utica. The Rev. James F. Collins officiated. The bride is a graduate of the College of St. Rose. Mr. Landauer is a graduate of Berne-Knox Central School and plans to enter Siena College this month. He formerly served with the Navy as a lieutenant, j . g. Mr. and Mrs. Landauer will make their home in Albany.
- The Knickerbocker News, Albany, N. Y., Wednesday, January 22, 1947
Social Security Death Index about Albertine Landauer
Name: Albertine Landauer
SSN: 129-40-5061
Last Residence: 12053 Delanson, Schenectady, New York, United States of America
Born: 8 Dec 1890
Died: Oct 1977
State (Year) SSN issued: New York (1965-1966)